Tina Pereira
Intermediary for victims and witnesses, suspects, defendants and respondents

Tina Pereira, PhD was trained and accredited as a Registered Intermediary (RI) by the England and Wales Ministry of Justice (MoJ) in 2007. Since then she has worked in several Crown, Magistrate and Youth courts with witnesses and victims, as well as an independent intermediary, with defendants and respondents. Tina’s area of specialism is Learning Disability (adults and children). She also works with typically developing children and those with mental health difficutiles secondary to a Learning Disability.
Prior to that, Tina worked for many years as a specialist speech and language therapist in the UK and she has also worked overseas previously. She is highly experienced working with interpreters of South Asian languages. Tina is especially interested in using low technology communication aids with vulnerable people who find it particularly difficult to use spoken language alone to communicate their account. She is passionate about enabling vulnerable people access the Justice System.
Tina is a mentor for newly qualified intermediaries and was formerly on the England and Wales MoJ training team for Registered Intermediaries. She is a member of the Registered Intermediary Reference Team, a team of experienced intermediaries who carry out corporate tasks with and on behalf of the MoJ.
Tina develops and delivers bespoke individual and/or group training and mentoring for criminal justice practitioners.
About Tina Pereira
Arranging an intermediary assessment with Tina Pereira
Vulnerable suspects: Contact Tina Pereira (tinapereira28@googlemail.com) to organise an intermediary assessment, report and recommendations for your client. Please do not use any person-identifiable details at this point. Once you have made contact with Tina and given her details of your secure email address, she will liaise with you in secure mode.
Vulnerable defendants and respondents: Refer your client to Tina Pereira via The Intermediary Cooperative https://www.theintermediarycooperative.co.uk/
Victim and witness assessment: Contact the Witness Intermediary Team at the National Crime Agency 02038936649 or wit@nca.gov.uk for a referral.
Bespoke Training: Contact Tina Pereira directly on:
Communication difficulties impact all aspects of life i.e. decisions relating to education, work and social relations, as well as the ability to make informed legal choices.
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Identifying vulnerability in your client
Vulnerability is not always visible. Additionally, not many adults are keen to acknowledge the difficulties they experience in understanding, communicating and interacting with other people.
In order to identify if your client is vulnerable, ask yourself the following questions... read more